When it comes to treatment for breast cancer and other breast diseases, early detection is the best way to ensure the best possible outcomes! Women aged 35 and up should schedule mammograms on an annual basis or sooner if they present with certain risk factors. At Central Clinic for Women, we’re committed to providing the highest quality care for women of all ages, and we proudly offer 3D Screening Mammography to ensure that our team of experienced healthcare professionals always have the most detailed diagnostic information possible.
When it comes to breast cancer and other breast diseases, early detection is crucial to achieving the best possible outcomes. The procedure for 3D Screening Mammography in Little Rock involves taking multiple images, or X-rays, of breast tissue to recreate a 3-dimensional picture of the breast. 3D Mammograms take slightly longer than a traditional mammogram and yield significantly more diagnostic information for our team of experienced doctors and radiologists. Here are a few of the additional advantages of 3D Mammography:
3D Mammography Detects slightly more cancers than standard mammograms: Clinical studies have indicated that combining a 3D mammogram with a standard mammogram results in approximately one more successful diagnosis for every 1,000 women screened than a standard mammogram alone.
Reduced need for follow-up imaging: If standard mammogram images show abnormalities, doctors might recommend additional imaging. In addition to being stressful for patients, follow-up appointments take additional time and money. Combining 3D mammography with a standard mammogram typically obviates the need for additional imaging.
The 3D image offers improved cancer detection in dense tissues: Your breast tissue is composed of milk glands, milk ducts, and both supportive (dense) and fatty tissues. If the breasts have greater amounts of dense breast tissue than fatty tissue, it becomes more difficult to obtain an accurate reading on a standard mammogram because both dense breast tissue and cancers appear white. 3D mammography enables doctors and radiologists to see beyond areas of density and detect cancers that might be missed with a traditional mammogram.
Contact us online or dial (501) 227-5885 to schedule your mammogram or to learn more about our women's clinic Little Rock.
Central Clinic for Women
9601 Baptist Health Drive, Suite 500
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
Fax Number: 501-227-5005
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