Congratulations on your pregnancy! Whether you’re expecting your first child or adding to a large and loving family, you’re in store for some of the most exciting (and challenging) months of your life! Our team at Central Clinic for Women is committed to providing the highest quality care for women of all ages, and we’re here to support you every step of the way!
Be sure to include our central Arkansas women's clinic in your family planning as early as possible, and we’ll ensure that you’re fully prepared to welcome your new child into the family. Our experienced healthcare professionals have been providing trusted pregnancy care in Little Rock for decades and are here to provide comprehensive care and guidance throughout your pregnancy. Our services for expectant mothers begin with quality prenatal care and include progress monitoring throughout your pregnancy. And our commitment doesn't end with childbirth! Our postpartum care services will facilitate your recovery and help you adjust to the joys and challenges of motherhood. Here are a few things every expectant mother should know, and we're always a phone call away if you have any additional questions!
Your due date is just an estimate! Your due date won’t change once it’s assigned, but only about five percent of expectant mothers actually deliver on their due date. Most babies are born in 37-41 weeks, typically within a week of the mother’s due date.
Breastfeeding isn’t always as easy as it looks! Although it is a natural act, sometimes it takes a little time and a lot of practice to develop a successful breastfeeding relationship with your newborn. Be patient, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if the process takes longer than you expected.
Moms need rest, too! Mothers of newborns spend several months at their baby’s beck and call and quickly grow accustomed to having their sleep interrupted throughout the night. But your body is going through some significant hormonal changes, and you need to find time for some quality sleep. Raising children takes a village, and it’s okay to let grandparents help if you need to take some time for yourself. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing symptoms of depression or having difficulty getting to sleep.
Contact us online or dial (501) 227-5885 to schedule prenatal care or to find an experienced OBGYN Little Rock.
Central Clinic for Women
9601 Baptist Health Drive, Suite 500
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
Fax Number: 501-227-5005
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